Due to a rapid advancement and development of technologies we are continuously looking for new oil production improvement methods. Thus, we put every effort to make all the processes of oil production environmentally friendly and safe. Our basic principle is to work for the sake of nature, environment and people.
Therefore, we intend to be the first to start implementing an entirely new project CCS (carbon capture and sequestration) already in the 2012 year.
CO2 emissions are increasing every year in Lithuania, therefore, recently more and more companies look for efficient ways of emissions reduction.
CCS is one of the most effective ways of air pollution reduction and climate change prevention. This pollution reduction method is applied by many European Community countries. It is expected that CCS not only adds to the preservation of clean air but also contributes to the oil recovery enhancement.
Many European Union countries are interested in CO2 geological storage; the first tests have been completed in Scandinavian countries, France, Germany.